Axl Rose & Erin Everly ♥

Em 1985, Axl Rose conheceu uma modelo, filha de Don Everly (The Everly Brothers), Erin Everly, numa festa em L.A., logo depois começaram a namorar. Em 1986, Axl foi morar com a sua namorada mas devido a muitas discussões e infidelidades, mudou-se para um luxuoso apartamento sozinho. A 28 de Abril de 1990, Axl apareceu em casa de Erin às 4:00 da manhã, pediu-a em casamento e ameaçou suicidar-se com uma arma que tinha no carro se ela não se casasse com ele naquele mesmo dia. Axl e Erin dirigiram-se para a Cupid Wedding Chapel, em Las Vegas e casaram-se numa cerimónia rápida. No caminho para Las Vegas, Axl prometeu que nunca iria agredi-la outra vez e nunca se divorciaria dela. Poucos dias depois do casamento, Axl e Erin discutiram. Ela foi pedir ajuda a Steven Adler (baterista da banda) pois Axl tinha-a agredido e, segundo uma entrevista que Axl deu à revista Rolling Stone, Steven drogou-a com uma mistura de heroína e cocaína e Erin, que nunca tinha consumido drogas, teve uma overdose. Erin quase morreu e Axl quase enlouqueceu quando soube que a mulher com quem acabara de casar poderia ter morrido (o videoclipe da música ‘’November Rain” retrata isso). Um mês depois do casamento, Axl pediu o divórcio mas arrependeu-se logo. Segundo Erin, dois meses depois disso ele agrediu-a tanto que ela foi hospitalizada. Enquanto ela estava no hospital, Axl levou as coisas dela para o apartamento dele. Quando Erin voltou, ele proibiu-a de ver os seus amigos, não lhe deu uma chave de casa e chegou a fechá-la fora de casa, só a deixando voltar quando lhe apeteceu. Em Setembro, Erin descobriu que estava grávida, mas aos 3 meses de gravidez sofreu um aborto espontâneo. Em Novembro, ela deixou a casa em que eles viviam. Em Janeiro de 1991, o casamento acabou oficialmente. Depois do divórcio, Axl continuou a tentar contactar Erin, telefonando-lhe e mandando-lhe cartas e flores, contudo sem êxito. Em Junho de 1994, Erin acusou Axl de abusos físicos, sexuais e psicológicos e ambos foram a tribunal. Depois disso, Axl desapareceu, voltando mais tarde com a nova formação da banda. Hoje, tudo o que resta desta relação são músicas como “Sweet Child O’ Mine”, “November Rain”, “Don’t Cry”, “Estranged” e “This I Love” e uma história escrita por um amigo de Axl, Del James, baseada na relação e intitulada de “Without You”.


-Axl e Erin planejavam ter um casal de filhos, o menino chamaria-se Shiloh Blue e a menina, Willow Amelia.
-Erin aparece no videoclipe da música "Sweet Child O' Mine" e no videoclipe nunca lançado (pode ser visto no youtube) da música "It's So Easy".
-Em 1989, durante as filmagens do video de "It's so Easy", no Cathouse em Los Angeles, David Bowie tentou uma maior aproximação com a ex-esposa de Axl, Erin Everly. Axl ficou furioso e chegou mesmo a dar um soco a David e a expulsá-lo do local. Mais tarde, David pediu desculpas a Axl publicamente e alegou não saber que Erin era a mulher de Axl.

Frases de Erin sobre Axl:

“I didn’t think I could survive mentally any longer, I was dying inside. At the door, I turned around and said ‘I want you to look at me, because you’re never going to see me again.’ And he never has.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

“I was afraid when he came in, when he left, when he wasn’t there.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

“I felt like we were two people who didn’t have much but who had found each other.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

“When you’re in love, you want to be with the person every minute. My life was taking care of Axl.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

(Sobre a violência no casamento deles) “I always believed things would get better. And I felt sorry for him, I thought I could make [his early childhood suffering] all better.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

“I used to go into the bathroom to cry. I’d turn the water on so he couldn’t hear me, because that would set him off too.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

(Sobre a sua gravidez) “This was all I wanted. I thought it could have been a cure for Axl.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

(Após o fim do casamento) “One day the phone rings, ‘Hello, it’s Axl.’ I moved the next day.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

“I needed a backbone, and I thought he was it. I wanted someone to protect me.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

“Axl knows the truth, he knows what happened. If he felt bad about it, he’d admit it. If he did admit it, it would help me a whole lot to heal.” - “Bye Bye Love” interview /People Magazine

Frases de Axl sobre Erin:

“I even forgave him [Steven Adler] after he nearly killed my wife. I had to spend a night with her in an intensive-care unit because her heart had stopped thanks to Steven. She was hysterical, and he shot her up with a speedball. She had never done jack shit as far as drugs go, and he shoots her up with a mixture of heroin and cocaine? I kept myself from doing anything to him.” - RIP Magazine /1992

“One of my favorite bands is U2. They used to not be, but they are now. I used to not get it. I didn't see the world they were singing about. Love and pain and caring? Only in a few instances, like "With or Without You," could relate or understand. That was the song I saw right before I OD'd because my relationship (with his ex-wife Erin) was so fucked up.” - RIP Magazine /1992

“I’ve been hell on the women in my life, and the women in my life have been hell on me. And it really breaks me down to tears a lot of times when I think about how terribly we've treated each other. Erin and I treated each other like shit. Sometimes we treated each other great, because the children in us were best friends. But then there were other times when we just fucked each other's lives completely up.” - Rolling Stone Magazine /1992

"I wrote the song basically about who I am and how I feel and the breakup of my marriage with Erin and how I didn't want it to die.” - Making Of Estranged

"I was sitting in my litigation with my ex-wife, and it was the day after the bombing," Rose remembers with a wince. ''We had a break, and I'm sitting with my attorneys with a sort of smile on my face, more like a nervous thing, it was like, 'Forgive me, people, I'm having trouble taking this seriously.' It's just ironic that we're sitting there and this person is spewing all kinds of things and 168 people just got killed. And this person I'm sitting there with, she don't care. Obliterating me is their goal." - Rolling Stone Magazine /January 2000